Principal's News
School Is In Session
Mr. Kimbrough - Principal
School Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Recap and Upcoming Events
There are a lot of good things happening at FLHS. The FLHS Softball and the FLHS girls’ volleyball teams brought home league titles this year and made the playoffs! The boys’ soccer team also made the playoffs! In addition, we had a state qualifier in Cross Country. The band and choir put on an amazing performance for their fall concert! Thank you to all who attended our Trick-or-Treat street. It was great to see all of you in your costumes and
we gave out approximately 600 bags of candy. November Events:
11/2 - Boys’ Football - SENIOR night
11/4-11/11 - FCCLA Pie Fundraiser - click here to order
11/5 - Election Day
11/8 - Barranquilla - Columbia Festival @ 3:15 pm
11/9 - FLHS Booster Club BINGO @ 5 pm
11/11 - School Accountability Meeting @ 5 pm - please sign up
if you haven’t already.
11/12 - Winter Sports Parent Meeting @ 6:30 pm
11/13 - Booster Club Meeting @ 5:30 pm
11/14-11/16 - Drama Performance @ 7 pm
11-23 - FLHS Booster Club BINGO @ 5 pm
11/25-11/29 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
*Students are not to have Personal Technology Devices in class (cell phones, earbuds, etc.) out during class
*Great attendance leads to great success in the classroom. Please arrive to class on time.
Morning Arrival
1. Breakfast is served starting at 7:00 am
2. Please make sure to have your child at school before the start time.
After School Help
*Language Arts / Spanish / Music Help - Mondays 2:30-3:15
*Math / Business / Culinary / Graphic Arts Help - Tuesdays 2:30 - 3:15
*Science / Art / PE Help - Wednesdays 2:30-3:15
*Social Studies Help - Thursdays 2:30-3:15
*AVID / ELD / SPED / CE - By Appointment ONLY
Friendly Reminders
*Students shall leave backpacks outside of the restroom. Makeup sized bags are allowed.
*Students arriving back from lunch after 11:40 will be asked to lock their phones in the office for the remainder of the
*Students arriving back from lunch after 11:40 will be asked to lock their phones in the office for the remainder of the
*Campus is CLOSED for Freshmen. This means Freshmen must stay on campus for lunch.
*The Yearbook for the 2024-2025 school year is on sale NOW. Click here to purchase. The cost is $75.
*Baby ads can be ordered here. The deadline is November 15th
*Information regarding the proposed bond and mill levy can be found here.